Indonesia has various cultures within the country.  In the Muslim community women have somewhat equal rights, but men are still slightly higher as head of household, leaders of the community and workforce.  Their gender roles are mainly based on religion.  They believe that God made men greater than women.  The husband’s role in their culture is for the man to be a provider and protector of the family.

In Eastern Indonesia the stereotype was women would succumb to their husband’s without a question and would sacrifice for their children.  Roles of women are going away from this and women are going away from this and women are going into the workforce because of the economy.  Even with this change there have not been laws to protect women against sexual discrimination.

In 2010 and 2011 Indonesia’s government was trying to implement programs to empower women.  Some of the programs have helped, but men do not want to accept the roles of an equal household because they are used to being the breadwinner of the family and the women at home taking care of the house and children.

I found the difference in my own culture interesting.  I was raised under the notion that men and women are equal in the home and also in the workforce.  Being out in the workforce you still see male dominated jobs but there are also  women dominated jobs.  When I was growing up my Mom was the breadwinner of our family and my Dad was a stay at home caregiver for a couple of years.  In my family both my husband and I work but we also share household  duties equally.  


    My name is Sonia Drew.  I am happily married with six children and am currently a full time student at ASU in the Elementary Education Program.  I hope to one day become a 2nd or 3rd grade teacher. 


    October 2013

